This is one of many custom designs memorialist, Missy West, did not want to ever leave her gallery. She called her children ba-bees when they were little and they called her queen bee. This uniquely designed basalt stone is hand colored and carved with a big bee and her honeycomb hive.
Many folks were interested in purchasing the bee hive stone but instead of selling the art piece in front of the office, new ones were carved for memorial pieces. West Memorials grew out of it’s old location and everything was being moved. Moving a monument from one location to another is quite easy – except this one. The piece of basalt weighed close to a ton and the design was so fabulous, it wasn’t going to stay very long. Paul West set this monument in a flower bed on thin wood boards. After several years the small wooden platform was gone and the weight of the stone had it stuck in the mud. It took four men, an hour an a half, to rock the stone out of the flower bed. The next day a honey farmer and his wife drove by the office and saw the stone. Paul sold the couple the original art and delivered the bee hive to their house that week. There could not have been a more perfect place for the stone’s new home.
In 2007, West Memorials moved to a new location on Broad Avenue, in Memphis, TN. With the help of some very determined art galleries and business owners, the once abandoned street was given a resurgence of vitality and designated as the Historic Broad Avenue Arts Alliance.
Please visit our street any time
Please call 1-800-508-6022 for more information about this monument. We make each stone one at a time to fit your vision. If you like this design and want to personalize it, we will be glad to send you a rendering. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please call 800-508-6022 or use the button above to request more information about this design. We make each stone one at a time to fit your custom needs. If you like this design but want to personalize it, we will be glad to send you a rendering. We look forward to hearing from you.